info@ulezi.nl | |
Iban | NL05 ABNA 0103667377 |
Name | Stichting Ulezi |
KvK | 83549757 |
RSIN | 862913329 |
The foundation
Ulezi Foundation helps nomadic children from Korr and the surrounding area to attend Secundary School. Most people from Korr are Rendille, camel herders. Many children from Korr do not attend school, but help to take care of the camels and goats. Schooling will improve their chance for a better future. We support the most vulnerable and poorest children by paying (part of) their school fees. The children from Korr deserve a future. Will you help them to escape poverty and ignorance?
In Kenya, secundary school is expensive. The more donations, the more children we can help. If you can transfer a monthly amount for one year, we could send a child to school. Every little bit helps.
As an indication of the costs to help a child to go to school, school fees can range from 350 to 500 euros. That’s 30 to 45 euros a month. That is a lot of money. Perhaps you can afford to donate 5 euros per month. That also helps! Together was can support a couple of students.
We encourage sponsorship that connects the sponsor and a student. As a sponsor one could – if one wishes to – follow the progress of one’s pupil and be in touch with her/him. These contacts always take place via Ulezi Foundation.
Of course we are very grateful for all manners of support. Every gift contributes to a school career.
Companies and organizations are emphatically invited to sponsor one or more students. You can make a difference.
Ulezi has ANBI status
Ulezi Foundation has been approved by the tax department as an Institution Aiming at General Benefit (ANBI in Dutch). It means that your donations are subtractable for the income tax.
For donations a minimum (threshold) and a maximum are applied. You are allowed to subtract the amount above the minimum, but you cannot subtract more than the maximum amount. The maximum amount and the threshold amount depend on your threshold income. That is the sum total of your income and deductions in box 1, 2 and 3. If you file your annual tax return online, the tax department has filled out the threshold amount on the screen where you can subtract your donations.
The threshold amount is 1% of your threshold income, but at least 60 euro. You can subtract the amount you have donated more than those 60 euro, to a maximum of 10% of your threshold income.
If you sign an agreement with Ulezi Foundation for a periodical donation for the duration of at least 5 years, you can subtract this yearly donation from your income tax. No threshold and no maximum for subtraction will be applied.
You can find a modelagreement on the website of the tax department: www.belastingdienst.nl/giften. You can sign the filled out form scan it and send it to info@ulezi.nl or you can send it by mail to Ulezi Foundation, Gildenlaan 421, 1951KW Velsen Noord.
Or you can email us for an agreement with explanation.

- Sponsoring school fees for children from Korr and surroundings, whose parents are not able to pay for their education;
- Supporting local projects in Korr and surroundings;
- Benefiting local people.
The Board
The board of Ulezi Foundation consists of four volunteers taking on the positions of chairman, treasurer, secretary and member:
- Agnes Sommer – chair person / secretary
- Jan Brink – treasurer
- Elizabeth ter Borg – general member
- Louise Kleinherenbrink – general member
The Board meets at least once yearly, physically or online. Policy decisions are made and confirmed during these meetings.
The treasurer is responsable for the management of the assets. At every meeting he reports on the income and expenditure. The board jointly determines the financial policy.
In the first quarter of the year the treasurer prepares the annual financial report of the previous year. The financial statements and the annual report (made by the secretary) are published on the website. The foundation does not financially reward members of the board.
Working Procedure
Ulezi Foundation works closely with IROONO, a CBO (Community Based Organization) in Korr. IROONO’s goal is to suppor Korr’s community in achieving a higher living standard. They focus on water, microcredit loans and education.
IROONO selects the students eligible for support by Ulezi foundation. Lechet Timado, chair person of IROONO CBO, knows the students, the schools and their backgrounds or is quickly able to obtain this information.
Ulezi Foundation provides scholarships for secundary education to a number of selected children. Children are selected based on the following criteria:
- Income of the parents
- School achievements
- Background
Parents can apply for a scholarship for their daughter/son with IROONO.
The selection is made by the director of IROONO after consultation with the head of the school where the pupil is to be assigned and the older villagers of Korr.
The director of IROONO sends a motivated request for school fees per child to Ulezi Foundation.
The Foundation approves and sends the amount to the bank account of IROONO. IROONO forwards this to the school account.
The head of school must agree to sign a specified receipt concerning the schoolfees they receive. Each term they must provide a signed list of the achievements of the pupil. The director of IROONO collects this data and sends copies to the secretary of Ulezi Foundation.